Pubblicazioni Scientifiche sulla Validità della Rieducazione Posturale Globale Souchard (Scientific Publications on Global Postural Re-education):
Below we provide a list of published papers based on the RPG method. Please, click on titles for access to abstracts and papers.
- Effectiveness of Global Postural Reeducation in Patients With Chronic Nonspecific Neck Pain: A Randomized Controlled Trial (RCT) . American Physical Therapy Association APTA . Phys Ther. 2016 Mar 24 (Impact Factor 2,799 ).
- “Effectiveness of Global Postural Re-education for Treatment of Spinal Disorders” – A Meta-analysis
American Journal of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation (Impact Factor 2,064 ).
- Amorim, Gracitelli, Marques, Alves. Effectiveness of global postural reeducation compared to segmental exercises on function, pain, and quality of life of patients with scapular dyskinesis associated with neck pain: a preliminary clinical trial. Journal of Manipulative and Ph. Therapeutics Aug. 2014.
- Bonetti F,Curti S,Mattioli S,Mugnai R,Vanti C,Violante FS,Pillastrini P. Effectiveness of a ‘Global Postural Reeducation’ program for persistent low back pain: a non-randomized controlled trial. BMC Musculoskelet Disord 2010;16(11):285 Full-text in English
- Effects of global postural reeducation on postural control, dynamic balance, and ankle range of motion in patients with hallux abducto valgus. A randomized controlled trial .Alejandro Estepa‐Gallego Alfonso Javier Ibañez‐Vera María Dolores Estudillo‐Martínez Yolanda Castellote‐Caballero Marco Bergamin Stefano Gobbo David Cruz‐Díaz 2021
- Cunha AC, Burke TN, França FJ, Marques AP. Effect of global posture reeducation and of static stretching on pain, range of motion, and quality of life in women with chronic neck pain: a randomized clinical trial.Clinics (Sao Paulo). 2008;63(6):763-70. Full-text in English
- Fernandez-de-las-Penas, Cesar, et al. One-Year Follow-up of Two Exercise Interventions for the Management of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2006;85(7):559-567. Full-text in English
- Fernandez-de-las-Penas, Cesar, et al. Two Exercise Interventions for the Management of Patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis: A Randomized Controlled Trial. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation. 2005 ;84(6):407-419. Full-text in English
- Santos MM, GuimaraesLS, Souza LO, Vasconcelos MM, Camargo TM, Develly PC, Fernandes BLF.Effectiveness of the Global Posture Reeducation method (GPR) and segmentalstretching in the treatment of chronic back pain: A randomized controlled trial.
- C. Lozano-Quijada, E.J. Poveda-Pagán et all. Changes in Postural Sway After a Single Global Postural Reeducation Session in University Students: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Effects of global postural reeducatİon exercise and ANTI-TNF treatments on disease activity, FATİGUE, MOBİLİTY, sleep qualİty and depressİon in patients with active ankylosing spondylitis (prospective-controlled trial). 2017 NH Coksevim, D Durmus, O Kuru. BMJ Journals
- Changes in symptoms and resting position of jaw, atlas and axis in patients with TMJ dysfunction following Global Postural Reeducation. 2016 Henriquez, L., Palomer, L., Leppe, J. and Tuttle, Manual Therapy, 25, pp.e103-e104
- Effects in Short and Long Term of Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) on Chronic Low Back Pain: A Controlled Study with One-Year Follow-Up. Castagnoli et al. Scientific World Journal. 2015;2015:271436. doi: 10.1155/2015/271436. Epub 2015 Apr 6.
- Arthritis and Rheumatism. Conference: American College of Rheumatology/Association of Rheumatology Health Professionals Annual ScientificMeeting, ACR/ARHP 10 Philadelphia, PA United States. Conference Publication: 62(pp 1458),2010
- Silva EM, AndradeSC, Vilar MJ. Evaluation of theeffects of Global Postural Reeducation in patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Rheumatol Int. 2012;32(7):2155-63. New! Full-text in English
- Di Ciaccio E, Polastri M, Bianchini E, Gasbarrini A. Herniated lumbar disc treated with Global PosturalReeducation. A middle-term evaluation.Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci. 2012 Aug;16(8):1072-7. New! Full-text in English
- Fortin C, Feldman DE, Tanaka C, Houde M, Labelle H. Inter-rater reliability of the evaluation of muscular chains associatedwith posture alterations in scoliosis. BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders. 2012;13:80. New! Full-text in English
- Oliveri M, Caltagirone C, Lorga R, Pompa MN, Versace V, Souchard P. Fast increase of motor corticalinhibition following postural changes in healthy subjects. NeurosciLett. 2012 Sep 28. pii: S0304-3940(12)01265-7. doi:10.1016/j.neulet.2012.09.031. [Epub ahead of print] New! Full-text in English
- Basso D,Correa E, Silva AM. Effectof global postural reeducation on body alignment and on clinical status of individuals with temporomandibular disorder associated to postural deviations[Portuguese]. Fisioter Pesq 2010:17(1):63-8.
- Beresford H, da Costa Habib ALC. Toward an interpretation of global posture reeducation (GPR) in the context of the human motricity science [Portuguese]. Fisioter Movimento. 2003;16(1): 17-24
- Blanco CA, Fernández-de-las-Peñas C, Cleland JA. Preliminary clinical prediction rule for identifying patients with ankylosing spondylitis who are likely to respond to an exerciseprogram: a pilot study. Am J Phys Med Rehabil. 2009;88(6):445-54. Full-text in English
- Blanco CA; Lopez ESR; Penas CF. Spirometric changes after applying a kinetic therapy program in ankylosing spondylitis: a pilot study [Spanish]. Fisioterapia. 2009;31(3): 87-93.
- Borges BLA. Flexibilidade de atletas de basquetebol submetidos à postura “em pé com inclinação anterior” do Método de Reeducação Postural Global (RPG). Rev Bras Cien e Mov. 2006; 14(4): 39-46.
- Borges JBC, Oliveira JP, Barbosa IMP,Carvalho SMR. Tratamento fisioterapêutico na síndrome do respirador bucal /Physiotherapy in the oral breather syndrome. Pediatr Mod. 2011;47(3).
- Cabral CMN, Yumi C, Sacco ICN, Casarotto RA, Marques AP. Eficácia de duas técnicas de alongamento muscular no tratamento da síndrome femoropatelar: um estudo comparativo. Fisioter Pesq. 2007;14:48-56.
- Canto CREM, Oliveira LF, Theodoro MN, Gobbi FCM. Study of the effectiveness of the method of global postural reeducation in subjects with low back pain in relationship with pain and functional incapacity [Spanish]. Rev Terapia Manual. 2010;8(38): 292-7.
- Castro PCG, Lopes JAF. Avaliação computadorizada por fotografia digital,como recurso de avaliação na reeducação postural global. Acta Fisiatr. 2003;10(2): 83-88.
- Chao AC, Behne GR, Gazola F, MartinesECC, Carvalho AR, Bertolini GRF. Efeito da reeducação postural global na forcamuscular respiratória em indivíduos saudáveis. Ter Man. 2011;9(43):269-272.
- Coelho C, Nogueira K. Adolescent and asthma: Can physiotherapy help? Allergy: EuropeanJournal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. Conference: 30th Congress of the European Academyof Allergy and Clinical Immunology Istanbul Turkey.Conference Publication: 66(pp 563), 2011
- Dacca ERGS, Furlan MMDP. Abordagem fisioterápica associada ao sistema de personal trainer no tratamento da hérnia de disco lombar: realto de caso / Physical therapy approach associated to the personal trainer system the treatment of lumbar disc hernia: a case report. Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR. 2000;4(2):165-168.
- Durmuş D, Alayli G, Uzun O, Tander B, Cantürk F, Bek Y, Erkan L. Effects of two exercise interventions on pulmonary functions in the patients with ankylosing spondylitis. Joint Bone Spine. 2009 Mar;76(2):150-5.Full-text in English
- Fozzatti MC, Palma P, Herrmann V, Dambros M. Impact of global postural reeducation for treatment of female stress urinary incontinence [Portuguese] Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira. 2008;54(1):17-22.
- Fozzatti C, Herrmann V, PalmaT, Riccetto CL, PalmaPC. Global Postural Re-education: an alternative approach for stress urinaryincontinence? Eur J of Obstetrics Gynecology & Reproductive Biology.2010;152(2):218-24. Full-text in English
- FozzattiC, Herrmann V, Riccetto C, Palma P. Global postural reeducation and pelvicfloor muscles training, comparative study for the treatment of female stressurinary incontinence – Two years follow up. International Urogynecology Journaland Pelvic Floor Dysfunction. Conference: 36th Annual Meeting of theInternational Urogynecological Association, IUGA 2011 LisbonPortugal.Conference Publication:2011;(22)S165-S167. Text in English
- Fregonesi CEPT, Valsechi CM, Masselli MR, Faria CRS, Ferreira DMA. Um ano de evolução da escoliose com RPG / A year of evolution of scoliosis with RPG. Fisioter Bras. 2007;8(2):140-142.
- Garcia PU, Aranda MC. Analytical stretching and active global stretching in physical education classes. [Estiramientos analíticos y stretching globalactivo em clases de educacion física]. Fisioterapia.2011;33(2):70-78.
- Gomes BM, NardoniGCG, Lopes PG, Godoy E. The effect of global postural reeducation technique ina hemi-paretic stroke patient. Acta Fisiatr 2006:13(2):103-8.
- Gil VFB, Osis MJD, Faúndes A. Lombalgia durante a gestação:eficácia do tratamento com Reeducação Postural Global (RPG) / Lumbar painduring pregnancy: efficacy of Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) treatment. Fisioter Pesqui. 2011;18(2):164-170.
- Heredia EP, Rodrigues FF. Treatment of patients with epidural pela reeducacao postural global-RPG. Revista Brasileira de Neurologia. 2008;44(3):19-26.
- Itokazu CA, Sotolani FS, Ambrozin ARP,Navega MT. Effects of globalpostural reeducation in the hyperkyphosis and in the respiratory variables ofelderly woman: report of two cases [Portuguese]. Rev. InspirarMovimento & Saúde. 2011;3(6):38-42.
- Luz GCP, Cheik NC, Ferreira F, Pereira PAC, Vidal JS, Affonso F, Baraúna MA. Tratamento da lombalgia através do dispositivo lombo abdominal e da reeducação postural global / Low Back Pain Treatment via Lumbar Abdominal Device and Global Postural Reeducation. Ter Man. 2008;6(27):287-292.
- Maluf SA, Moreno BGD, Crivello O, Cabral CMN, Bortolotti G, Marques AP. Global Postural Reeducation and Static Stretching Exercises in the Treatment of Myogenic Temporomandibular Disorders: A Randomized Study. Journal of Manipulative & Physiological Therapeutics. 2010;33(7):500-507. Full-text in English
- Marques AP, Mendonca LLF, Cossermelli W. Muscular stretching exercises in patients with fibromyalgia from a training of Postural Global Reeducation (PGR). Rev Bras Reumatol. 1994 34(5):232-4.
- Marques AP. Escoliose tratada com reeducação postural global. Rev Fisioter Univ São Paulo. 1996;3(1/2): 65-68.
- Martins RF, Silva JLP. Tratamento da lombalgia e dor pélvica posterior na gestação por um método de exercícios. Rev. Bras. Ginecol. Obstet. 2005;27(5):275-282.
- Monsalve CYM, Corena ZMG, Samudio MPO. Case Study: Manual Therapy in Patient of 18 Years with Youthful Scoliosis Idiopathic Summary. Rev Cienc Salud. 2007;5(3):78-90.
- Moreira CMC, Soares, DRL. Análise da efetividade da reeducação postural global na protusão do ombro após a alta terapêutica / Analyse of global postural reeducation effectiveness on shoulder protusion after discharge from therapy. Fisioter Mov. 2007;20(1):93-99.
- Moreno MA, Catai AM, Teodori RM, Borges BL, Cesar Mde C, Silva E. Effect of a muscle stretching program using the Global Postural Reeducation method on respiratory muscle strength and thoracoabdominal mobility of sedentary young males [Portuguese]. J Bras Pneumol. 2007 Dec;33(6):679-86. Full-text in English
- Moreno MA, Catai AM, Teodori RM, Borges BLA, Zuttin RS, Silva E. Adaptações do sistema respiratório referentes à função pulmonar em resposta a um programa de alongamento muscular pelo método de Reeducação Postural Global.Randomized Controlled Trial Fisioter Pesq. 2009;16(1):11-15.
- Mota YL, Barreto SL, Simões HG, Campbell CSG. Cardiovascular responses in the seated posture of the Global Postural Reeducation (GPR) method. Rev Bras Fisioter 2008;12(3):161-8. Full-text in English
- Navarro JR, Penas CF, Blanco CA, Page JCM. Repercusions in the quality of life in patients with ankylosing spondylitis by physiotherapy [Repercusiones en la calidad de vida en pacientes con espondilitis anquilosante mediante tratamiento fisioterápico]. Fisioterapia. 2005;27(3):138-45.
- Palacin M. La Reeducación Postural Global (RPG) de Philippe Souchard: Puntos de ruptura con la fisioterapia clásica. Natura Medicatrix. 1996;45.
- Pita MC. Cifose torácica tratada com reeducação postural global / Cifosis torácica tratada con reeducación postural global / Thoracickyphosis treated with global posture reeducation. Arq Ciências Saúde UNIPAR. 2000;4(2):159-164.
- Ribeiro F, Leite M, Silva F, Sousa O. [Physical exercise in the treatment of Ankylosing Spondylitis: a systematic review].[in Portuguese] Acta Reumatologica Portuguesa. 2007 ;32(2):129-37.
- Ribeiro F. Is postural reeducation a useful tool for treatment of female stress urinary incontinence? [Portuguese]. Revista Da Associacao Medica Brasileira. 2008;54(1):3.
- Rosário JLP, Sousa A, Cabral CMN, João SMA, Marques AP. Reeducação postural global e alongamento estático segmentar na melhora da flexibilidade, força muscular e amplitude de movimento: um estudo comparativo. Fisioter Pesq. 2008;15(1):12-18.
- Rossi LP, Brandalize M, Gomes ARS. Efeito agudo da técnica de reeducação postural global na postura demulheres com encurtamento da cadeia muscular anterior / Acute effect of globalposture reeducation technique in the posture of women with anterior muscular chainshortening. Fisioter. mov. 2011;24(2):255-263.
- Souchard P.E.. La scoliose en reeducation posturale globale. Cah Kinesither. 1989 (139):56-59.
- Smania N, Corato E, Tinazzi M, Montagnana B, Fiaschi A, Aglioti SM. The effect of two different rehabilitation treatments in cervical dystonia: preliminary results in four patients. Funct Neurol.2003;18(4):219-25. Full-text in English
- Tavares A, Cabral R, Gomes D. The Global Posture Reeducation (GPR) as a novel therapeutical method for stress urinary incontinence in post-menopausal women (P640). Int Journal of Gynecology and Obst. 2009;107S2: S596.
- Teodori RM, Moreno MA, Fiore Junior JF, Oliveira ACS. Alongamento da musculatura inspiratoria por intermedio da reeducacao postural global (RPG). / Inspiratory muscle stretching through postural global reeducation. Revista Brasileira de Fisioterapia. 2003; 7(1):25-30.
- Teodori RM, Guirro ECO, Santos RM. Distribuição da pressão plantar e localizaçãodo centro de força após intervenção pelométodo de reeducação postural global: um estudo de caso / Plantar pressure distrbution and center force location after postural global reeducation: a case relate. Fisioter. mov. 2005;18(1):27-35.
- Teodori RM, Negri JR, Cruz MC, Marques AP. Global Postural Re-education: a literature review. Rev Bras Fisioter. 2011;15(3):185-189. Full-text in English
- ToledoPCV, Mello DB, Araújo ME, Daoud R, Dantas EHM. Efeitos da Reeducação Postural Global em escolares com escoliose / Global PostureReeducation effects in students with scoliosis. Fisioter Pesqui. 2011;18(4):329-334.
- Vanti C, Generali A, Ferrari S, Nava T, Tosarelli D, Pillastrini P. General postural rehabilitation in musculoskeletal diseases: scientific evidence and clinical indications [Italian]. Reumatismo 2007;59(3):192-201.
- Vercelli S, Godi M. Global posture reeducation in muskuloskeletal disorders: Scientific evidence and clinical indications [Italian]. Reumatismo. 2009;61(2):153-154.
- Zuil Escobar JC, Rodriguez Fernandez AL, Martinez Cepa CB, Lopez Andrino J: Study of the relation between playing football and muscle shortening. Fisioterapia 2004, 26(6):340-8
- Dario Apuzzo, Giotti, Pasqualetti, Ferrazza,Soldati, M. Zucco, PhDi:An observational retrospective/horizontal study to compare oxygen-ozone therapy and/or global postural re-education in complicated chronic low back pain.
- Hae-sun Yang, Won-gyu Yoo. The Effects of Stretching with Lumbar Traction on VAS and Oswestry Scales of Patients with Lumbar 4–5 Herniated Intervertebral Disc. J Phys Ther Sci. 2014 Jul; 26(7): 1049–1050.
- Daniel H K Chow et all. Mechanical effects of traction on lumbar intervertebral discs: A magnetic resonance imaging study. Musculoskeletal Science and Practice 2017 Jun
- Karimi N, Akbarov P, Rahnama L. Effects of segmental traction therapy on lumbar disc herniation in patients with acute low back pain measured by magnetic resonance imaging: A single arm clinical trial. J Back Musculoskelet Rehabil. 2017;30(2):247-253. doi: 10.3233/BMR-160741. PMID: 27636836.